like when we were listening to hannahs music mix, only now its 2D!!! SO true... so so so true

I need a url for this



How am I? Good, drinking the marrow of life.

What are you dudes up to these days?

Is this how you make a post?


Just checkin. I figure I ought to make a post because I really want this blog to work. I was/am so excited to hang out and be cool and blog all night long. I don't know that I necessarily have anything to say right now. Maybe I should really commit and give a really good post so you guys will be inspired to write some really amazing posts...or anything really.
For me, I dreamt about New York last night. For whatever reason I tend to think about dreams when I'm on this blog. Weird. I promise I won't always write about dreams, but it's the most outstanding thing in my brain right now. I dreamt that I showed up and Helen's (soon to be my) apartment and it was so so crappy and uninteresting and uninspiring and it was so much smaller than Helen had said and it was missing one room. It was dark, I was dissapointed, and I went to sleep (in the dream). Upon waking (in the dream) I decided to take a better look around the apartment and found out it was the absolute COOLEST apartment I have ever been in. Strangely enough I couldn't see it until I asked Helen, "I thought you said there were three bedrooms as well as a livingroom...where's the livingroom?" She sheepishly started explaining, as if she was in the wrong, and then I saw it all. I saw the opening to the biggest most beautiful livingroom! It was long and cushy and had three (THREE!) fireplaces and it had vaulted ceilings where you could look up into two loft bedrooms. It had some of the most unique interior architecture that I've ever seen. It looked like it was built in the '60s and was slightly Frank Lloyd Wright-ish. It was beautiful. The kitchen too had vaulted ceilings with bookcase like shelves above the cupboards filled with interesting decorations and intellectual artifacts.
This is a much longer description than I was planning on, but.... I wonder what it means. Is it representitive of my insecurities of New York, as the apartment went from worst to best, or is it a portentious representation of my actual experience to come? Who knows.....



Have you ever had a dream about God? Or about the Apocalypse? Or about SEX?!?!?!?! Or about being invited to a cool party (or blog) by people you don't know who turned out to be the raddest baddest cyber nuh nuh nos you had ever conceived?
We will put in pictures. Each of us will submit self-portraits in the buff (optional, just kidding).
This is not the tone the blog will normally take.
Oh yeah:?? WASSSYO!
Han-han and Nat-han

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